Luke Dobbie
I am Luke Dobbie, I am an actor based in Glasgow, I am 21 years old and currently studying in my final year of BA Performance at The University of the West of Scotland in Ayr. I have previously studied an HND at West College Scotland for 2 years in Paisley. I have been interested in pursuing a career within the creative arts since the age of 4, most notably whilst watching fellow Scottish actor David Tennant in his incarnation of The Doctor in Doctor Who and feeling incredibly captured and inspired and the admiration to become an actor.
I have also been a participant in Toonspeak Young People's Theatre since August 2019. Since joining I have had a lot of opportunities to show my skills and perform on various different stages, recently I was a part of the Emergence at the Traverse Theatre in Edinburgh, where we created a scratch project titled "Face The Music". I've also been able to speak to different types of people within the industry through Progression sessions that are held every couple of months, I believe that joining Toonspeak was a great decision in order to further my career and my development.
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As part of Toonspeak I had the pleasure of participating in the National Festival Youth Theatre 2022, in which i was involved in a scratch project that was made whilst at the festival.
And more recently I had the oppertunity of performing at the emergence festival at the traverse theatre in Edinburgh.